Microsoft Office Specialist Master

Setelah sekian lama ditunda-tunda terus karena jadwal training yang luar biasa padat, dan selebihnya karena agak malas :P, akhirnya di pertengahan Januari 2017 ini saya selesaikan juga track sertifikasi Microsoft Office Specialist dan Alhamdulillah bisa mendapatkan titel Microsoft Office Specialist Master.

Microsoft Office Specialist

Sekilas tentang sertifikasi Microsoft Office Specialist:

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification is the premier credential chosen by individuals seeking to validate their skills and advance their careers. Microsoft Office is a powerful service designed to unleash the best ideas, get things done and stay connected on the go. And MOS shows the world that you have the skills to tap the full features and functionality of Microsoft Office. You can demonstrate your increased performance, individual differentiation and personal confidence.

Bagi yang ingin mengenal lebih dekat tentang track sertifikasi Microsoft Office Specialist ini, silahkan kunjungi link berikut ini:

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